This Safeguarding Awareness Week we’re focusing on the importance of safeguarding children and young people.
Keeping children safe is everyone’s responsibility and Cleveland Police works with communities, parents/carers, educators and other partners to safeguard youngsters and identify and deal with those who would harm, abuse or exploit them.
The force is also a member of Tees Safeguarding Children Board along with professional partners from local authorities, health services and others. There’s lots of useful info/advice on keeping children safe on their website at
Specialist detectives from the force’s CAVA Team (Child Abuse and Vulnerable Adult) investigate allegations of child abuse, whether physical, sexual or other, and since January officers have seen many successful convictions at court.
Four men and a woman are serving a total of nearly 50 years between them after CAVA officers secured charges for offences such as rape, other sexual assaults, physical assault and child neglect.
Further sentencings are due in the next six weeks after strong evidence from detectives led to guilty pleas and CAVA have also secured other charges in numerous other investigations. We’ll publish details of these as soon as we can!
Safeguarding Chief Inspector Matt Murphy-King said: “We are pleased to support this important awareness week. Cleveland Police sees safeguarding children and other vulnerable people as a priority and our officers work tirelessly to protect them.
“With the help and support of professionals from partner agencies and charities, we work to secure the best evidence we can against offenders, while dealing sensitively with victims and their families and carers.
"Specialist support is always available and we ensure we’re there for victims, families and carers from the moment of reporting, and throughout the investigation and any subsequent court process.
“I’d take this opportunity to remind anyone with concerns about a child or young person they can report at any time to Cleveland Police via the 101 number (always use 999 in an emergency).”